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Roomil Gold R wg 1 kg

Roomil Gold R wg 1 kg1

Roomil Gold R wg 1 kg

Product Code: 00400


5 Pcs Left in Stock.


RIDOMIL GOLD controls soil and leaf diseases in a number of crops including vegetables, grapes, citrus, potatoes,ornamentals,tobacco and cotton.

RIDOMIL GOLD is a highly effective fungicide for the control of Oomycete fungi (including late blight and Downy mildew).


Each plant disease has its own “personality” and thus prefers different weather. However, most plant diseases require leaf wetness. Therefore, during periods of rain and heavy dews, more frequent fungicide applications are a good idea. The normal range of spray applications is every 7 to 14 days.

Mixing Concentration :

Use a dilution ratio of at least 15 parts water to 1 part Ridomil Gold SL in the mix tank.