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Score 250 EC 250 ml

Score 250 EC 250 ml1

Score 250 EC 250 ml

Product Code: 00389


17 Pcs Left in Stock.


Product information Score 250 EC is a systemic fungicide dedicated to combating diseases in fruit trees, tomatoes, and other crops, with preventive and curative action.

Treated plants:

 Apricot, Strawberry, Cherry, Apple, Peach, Sugar beet, Tomato Fights Diseases and Fungi: Moniliasis, Gray rot, Leaf curl, Powdery mildew, Leaf burn, Cercosporiose, Alternariosis Score 250 EC blocks mycelial growth in plant tissue and inhibits sporulation.

The product is rapidly disseminated in the aerial parts of the plant through its systemic action. Score can be used on a wide range of crops and has great flexibility in use.

How to use it:

The treatment interval adjusts according to climatic conditions, disease evolution, and culture. Although the mode of action allows preventative and curative use, it is recommended to apply the product mainly preventively to avoid irreversible infestation and eradication of the disease in culture.

In case of high pressure, mix with Thiovit Jet or Topas products in the full dose of both products. For powdery mildew, it is recommended to use blended blending with multi-action contact products such as Bravo in the full dose of both products.

It is recommended to alternate the fungicide with products from other chemical groups, such as Chorus 75. During the break from the last treatment until the harvest, it has to pass: -3 days for tomatoes and strawberries, -7 days for apricot, cherry, peach, -14 days for apple, -21 days for sugar beet.