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Cipekill Sec 1 l

Cipekill Sec 1 l1

Cipekill Sec 1 l

Product Code: 00348


10 Pcs Left in Stock.


  • Emulsifiable concentrate with knock-down action and longlasting residual activity.

Active ingredient:- Cypermethrin 10%

Formulation:- Eulsifiable Concentrate (EC)

Mode of action:- Contact & Stomach

Target pests:- Cockroach, Mosquitoes, Flies, Fleas, Ants, Wasps, Moths, Beetles.

Area of use:-      

 • Indoor civil and domestic sites: Houses, Hospitals, Restaurants, Hotels,....etc. 

 • Outdoor sites with or without vegetation: Walls, Windows, Dumps, Drains,... etc.

 • Zoo-technical sites: by previous animals removal & after all necessary measures are taken to avoid feeding    

  stuffs contamination.

Methods & Application rate:-  

 (1) Spray: (10 - 20 ml /1 liter / 15 m2).

 (2) ULV: (50 ml /1 liter of water or glycol / 2500 m3 or 1000 m2).